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stock owner中文是什么意思

用"stock owner"造句"stock owner"怎么读"stock owner" in a sentence


  • 畜主


  • In the end , it analyses two kinds of forward income or unfixed income ; stock options and employee stock owner plans
  • To compensate the negotiable stock owner and build the risk control mechanism and deepen property right reform can reduce the risk of stock market in china
  • It differs from the employee stock owner plans and virtual stock introduced directly from the west and accords with the vacancy of the soe owners of china
  • The paper not only puts forward the calculating mode of the virtual employee stock owner and accounting management methods , but also analyzes the feasibility and necessity in the practice with the concrete cases
  • Though the stock market is not long in time that our country forms , the stock owner of our country has already reached 70 million people by the end of 03 . according to analytical method of equity investment , there are fundamental analysis and technical analysis
  • The masses of stock owners rely mainly on fundamental analysis , technical analysis is used in order to be complemented . in addition , in the developing history of ten years in stock market of china , the market maker is as the main force which the market invests in , carrying on stocks to scalp through a large amount of fund
    2003年,中国的股市走出一个从低到高又回到起点的走势,证券市场发生了重大转折,以价值投资为主的投资理念逐步代替了“坐庄”为主的投机炒作,基金、券商、社保基金、 qf成为市场投资新的主力。
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